摘要: As in all fields of medicine, the modern practice human genetics is closely linked with experimentation. Genetics research sometimes involves patients who are offered new and as yet unproven means therapy or diagnosis that intended to benefit patients, such levodopa challenge which being explored a test detect Huntington’s chorea (1) has raised storm controversy (2–4). The experimentation may also take form procedure not its subjects, for example routine mass screening newborn infants provide population data on chromosome aneuploidy, without any intention following up detection medical intervention (5). Needless say, poses problems provokes same argumentation occurred concerning other types experimentation, reflected an ever growing body literature (6-11). involvement fetus much this heightens interest concern period when fetal getting so attention from National Commission Protection Human Subjects (12, 13) down (14–16). Rather than attempt address, what would have be very cursory fashion, issues “genetic experimentation,” I chosen concentrate type raises commentators often acknowledge but seldom (if ever) seem dispose of.