作者: Meda Negrutiu , Daniela Pop , Mihai Romanu
摘要: Received for publication: Mar. 14, 2005. Revised: Sep. 30, rEZUMat Department of ProsthesesTechnology and Dental Materials, Faculty Medicine, Victor Babes University Medicine Pharmacy Timisoara Correspondence to: Meda Negrutiu, PhD, DMD, Prostheses Technology 2 Eftimie Murgu Square, Timisoara, Tel. +40 722 700593 Email: meda_negrutiu@yahoo.com INtrODUctION If you are missing only a few teeth scattered over either arch (upper or lower teeth), even if have minimum two on both sides the arch, then can most inexpensively replace with removable partial denture (RPD). There several types RPD’s.1 All them use standard thErMOplastIc rEsINs fOr flExIblE fraMEwOrk rEMOvablE partIal DENtUrEs cosmin Sinescu, Mihai Romanu, Daniela Pop, Sorin lakatos The therapeutic thermoplastic materials has increased drastically in late decade. This new procedure, during which fully polymerized basic material is softened by heat (without chemical changes) injected afterwards, opened up chapter making dentures. excellent tissue-friendly mechanical characteristics these be made to last an exactly executed reproducible technology. Current dental applications include: preformed clasp, flexible tooth born framework, single cast dentures, temporary crowns bridges, provisional occlusal appliances, implant abutments, orthodontic sleep apnea many been described previously. However, development elastomers copolymer alloys, there certain clinical resins dentistry.