摘要: This paper will review the work of Imiloa Astronomy Center in Hilo, Hawaii, light controversies about status Mauna Kea, and Hawaii’s post-contact history cultural encounters (mis-)understandings. 1. The Big Island Hawaii middle Pacific Ocean is home to one world’s two major astronomical observatories, Kea Observatory (MKO). At an altitude 4,200 metres above sea level, its telescopes sit atop largest mountain on Earth. first telescope University 88”, opened 1970. Until recently, however, visitors would have found little indicate importance island astronomers internationally, let alone celebrate achievements. gardens Hilo 2006, after much hard fundraising by State’s veteran Senator, Daniel Inoue. From inception, was conceived of, developed as, more than a standard astronomy centre, complete with exhibits, images planetarium. Imiloa’s function unify traditional seafaring culture Polynesian settlers, who crossed some time early centuries AD, their understandings stories cosmos latest results from modern astronomy. Quite challenge! 2. Some historical background In 1959, British science politician novelist C.P. Snow drew attention what he saw as growing gulf between “traditional, mainly literary” culture, upcoming scientific enterprise [1]. Whilst Snow’s thesis based his experience UK, it problem affecting “the whole Western society”, implications for developing, well developed, worlds. misunderstanding leading hostility. Death Cook, George Carter viewed standpoint Europeans/Americans starts just such misunderstanding. When Captain James Cook arrived second islands, 1779, had been identified Hawaiian eyes god Lono [2]. Very nice but when behaved out keeping expected Lono, set train series events that were lead death shore Kealakekua Bay. EPSC Abstracts Vol. 5, EPSC2010-193, 2010 European Planetary Science Congress