摘要: This study was focused on elementary school students'processes of scientific understanding within aclassroom environment characterized as a community ofdiscourse. In particular, it explored the role ofwritten discourse both plane knowledgedevelopment and conceptualization evaluationof writing activity itself. The purposes thestudy were: (a) to see whether students could use writingas means express compare ideas, reason andreflect them in process scientificunderstanding; (b) serviceof learning facilitated newtopic through conceptual change; (c) whetherwriting affected writingactivity Thirty-six fourth graders divided intwo groups, experimental (writing) control(no-writing), were involved implementation ofcurriculum units plants, whose target concept wasphotosynthesis. findings show that theexperimental group reached betterconceptual andmore advanced metaconceptual awareness changesin their own knowledge structures. Moreover, theconceptualization seemed tochange well some extent aconceptual change ways learnersviewed functions it.