The Crisis of Purpose: Definition and Uses of Institutional Goals.

作者: Richard E. Peterson



摘要: This report considers %That kinds of actdenic philosophies ere being questioned and by ODA. So..-e. the rhetoric concerning purrose higher education is reviqed, revertl conceptal distinctions are d::,/n, 'orking de:initions offered for such terms'as 'function," "pur,osel" "cora," And "objective." General sod speeMc uses institutional goals .:re discussed, several :1r:1a-college studies on tools tre deseracd. Connidorntiln isnuns institut4onll autone:ay tn.] -power followed attention to 3 strategies Zoe determining goals: fiat, comnittee, sni survey. Special emphasia riven Delphi Technique as a goal-determination strategy. References follow

Richard E. Peterson, Reform in Higher Education - Demands of the Left and Right. Liberal Educ. ,(1969)
Joseph Froomkin, Aspirations, Enrollments, and Resources The Challenge to Higher Education in the Seventies. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (FS 5.250:50058, $1.25). ,(1970)
Leon M. Lessinger, Accountability in Public Education. Todays Educ. ,(1970)
Conrad Hilberry, Morris T. Keeton, Struggle and promise : a future for colleges McGraw-Hill. ,(1969)
William G. Katzenmeyer, Charles Buchanan Johnson, Management information systems in higher education : the state of the art Duke University Press. ,(1969)
Charles G. Dobbins, Calvin B. T. Lee, Whose goals for American higher education American Council on Education. ,(1968)
Stanley Munson Elam, Gordon Ira Swanson, Educational planning in the United States F. E. Peacock Publishers. ,(1969)
William Roy Niblett, Higher education : demand & response Jossey-Bass. ,(1970)