摘要: The purpose of this manuscript is to share the development an action research project that utilized different methodological perspectives for stages project. I begin with a brief overview substantive orientations project, before concentrating on particulars process. focus on, start, my status as researcher "insider-outsider" both process and investigated phenomenon. A detailed explication design follows, drawing attention three distinct evolving use Heideggerian phenomenology naturalistic inquiry elicit rich data required Data presented from each study demonstrate how generation actionable knowledge took place. journey learning creation local theory, plan practical, outcomes carefully explored. paper concludes by sharing at local, individual level can also be used input much wider scale national study, currently underway in Australia being described - all interests improving human condition. Keywords: Action research, qualitative narratives, careers, chronic illness improve condition It has been suggested social scientists carry special burden responsibility. necessary but not enough profession engage disinterested pursuit knowledge. must encourage support within itself scientific work its aim mutual enrichment sciences practical affairs man [sic]. (Emery 1977, 206). report show nature contributed significantly what ultimately seeks do exists promote liberating change (Greenwood 2002, 128). Like conducted Emery Thorsrud (1975, 1), first stage concentrated experiences participants, while latter focused more opportunities change. (1977, was seeking identify ways which examining changing conditions participants could assist making their future. have included manuscript, particular themes or per se, usually case reports. Instead, one theme depict various process, succeeded capturing relevant meaningful data, gathered influenced researcher's choices, positively respondent's lives and, ultimately, mapped path reported here people who full time caring child significant illness.1 Children are group population (Martin/Nisa 1996, 1). For example, where instigated, 3.9 million children aged between 0 14 years 1998, almost seven had long-term health (594,600 15%), boys likely (18%) affected than girls (13%). Examples include: cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, asthma; cystic fibrosis; diabetes; myelodyplasia; hydrocephalus; cleft palate; burns; cancer; other physical disability result trauma congenital anomalies (Burke et al. 1999). However, concern lay parents worked time. Several things impinged regularly: An obvious need take doctor existence would infer increased regularity such visits. …