作者: James E. Miller
摘要: Based on a survey of 97 wildlife damage management professionals (60% response rate 161 mailed questionnaires), field, research, and administrative personnel felt that the top 3 current (WDM) research needs were: development more effective efficient techniques assessment, effectiveness education conflict resolution programs WDM issues, repellent/aversive techniques. Respondents indicated human dimensions related to public would be highest future need. Large small mammals were identified as key species groups needing with preventive methods aversive agents practices research. also deer (Odocoileus spp.), elk (Cervus elaphus), pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), sheep (Ovis ground nesting birds prey should receive focus. Coyotes (Canis latrans) prevalent predator high needs. Pages 7-12 in R.E. Masters J.G. Huggins, eds. Twelfth Great Plains Wildl. Damage Control Workshop Proc, Published by Noble Foundation, Ardmore, Okla.