作者: Miriam Butt
摘要: The Light Verb is FunctionalSeveral approaches assume that the light verb simply serves as a licenser of predication:• Grimshaw and Mester 1988 — N-V complex predicates with Japanese suru ‘do’(assume notion Argument Transfer)• Cattell 1984 V+NP phenomena in English.Light Verbs are Type Auxiliary• Hacker 1958 – verbs essentially redundant elements:eine eigentu¨mliche, nicht nur bei den Hilfsverben [= verbs] wirksame,sondern die ganze Sprache durchziehende stilistische Tendenz des Hindi inAktion: Neigung zum Pleonasmus.• Hook 1974, 1991 vector serve an explicating or aspectualfunction.• Abeill´e, Godard, Sag 1998 Tense auxiliaries causative faire constructionsin French both analyzed predicates.• Most any GB/MP approach.Complex Predicates Variation on Control/Raising• Huang 1992 Analyzes Chinese ba de constructions instance control.The Systematically Contributes to StructureLight seen contributing argument structure predicate they syn-tactically semantically dependent on.• Rosen 1989 Posits (empty), partial, complete merger at level argu-ment for Romance restructuring causatives.• Alsina 1996, Mohanan 1994, Butt 1995 Posit Predicate Composition,Argument Merger Fusion order account Romance, andUrdu predicates, respectively.