摘要: Biotechnology has been practiced on chestnuts (Castanea spp.) for many decades, including vegetative propagation, controlled crossing followed by testing and selection, genetic cytogenetic mapping, modifi cation, gene genome sequencing. Vegetative propagation methods have ranged from grafting rooting to somatic embryogenesis, often in coordination with breeding efforts programs. More recently, particularly the United States, chestnut biotechnology included analysis of genes genomes goal characterizing fi nding disease resistance utilizing them developing resistant Castanea dentata (American chestnut) 1 USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Institute Genetics, Harrison Experimental Forest, Saucier, Mississippi, USA; Email: dananelson@fs.fed.us 2 State University New York, College Environmental Sciences & Forestry, Syracuse, wapowell@esf.edu 3 Warnell School Forestry Natural Resources, Georgia, Athens, USA. 4 The Schatz Center Tree Molecular Department Ecosystem Science Management, Pennsylvania University, Park, Pennsylvania, 5 American Chestnut Foundation, Meadowview Farms, Meadowview, Virginia, 6 Cytogenetics Laboratory, Texas, 7 Clemson Genomics Institute, Clemson, South Carolina, * Corresponding author use species conservation In this chapter we review biotechnology, especially respect its development emphasis producing C. using various sources mollissma (Chinese crenata (Japanese chestnut).