摘要: This chapter considers the proposals of some authors (namely, Eugen Ehrlich, Santi Romano, Sally Falk Moore, Marc Galanter, Engle Merry, and Brian Tamanaha) who, in different ways with intents, have provided workable insights into relation between legal social domains. In doing this, it sketches three basic prototypes what today is known as ‘legal pluralism’. The first type portrays law inner order every organised body. this reading, are barely distinguishable. second regards a specific form ordering that has many elements common generally orderings, although there traits strictly typical law. third far more preoccupied not confusing finding genuine trait hallmarks orders. focuses on strong points these types pluralism places due emphasis need for theory to adopt pluralistic approach. It also shows that, however enlightening open-minded such an approach may be, most pluralists fail explain difference multitude orderings genuinely Most declare must be something which confers certain orders significance, but eventually they say is.