摘要: Fossil soils, or buried profiles of weathering, have for many years been known to occur at various positions in the stratigraphic column. The factors controlling development soil and environmental implications several distinctive morphological types extensively discussed soils science literature summarized easily accessible form (U. S. Dept. Agr., 1938). Nevertheless, this tool far reaching value stratigrapher has only recently generally applied problems correlation, classification, interpretation late Cenozoic deposits Great Plains region. work Kay Pierce (1920) attracted attention use fossil as a means regional correlation glacial tills, but these workers made one type profile (gumbotils) developed on till plain under conditions poor drainage. They were not concerned with transition morphology correlary other materials, different drainage, climate, floral cover. Leighton MacClintock (1930) used broader sense by recognizing weathering same position morphologic differences caused drainage erosional history. In Nebraska beyond border (Lugn, 1935; Condra, Reed, Gordon, 1947; Schultz Stout, 1948) them serves an important datum over State. Within past half dozen widely classification Pleistocene Kansas (Frye Fent, 1947). found contact all major subdivisions, two traced Weathering studied tills northeastern part State; Sappa member Meade formation; Loveland silt Sanborn formation (Loveland Sangamon soil) from Missouri bluffs Colorado State line Oklahoma; Peoria (Brady region almost great. markers also indicators paleo-ecology. are well preserved. Their character can be compared