Lattice Boltzmann Method for wave propagation in elastic solids with a regular lattice: Theoretical analysis and validation.

作者: Pierre Sagaut , Praveen Kumar Kolluru , Louis Marie Cléon , Maxime Escande



摘要: The von Neumann stability analysis along with a Chapman-Enskog is proposed for single-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) wave propagation in isotropic linear elastic solids, using regular D2Q9 lattice. Different boundary conditions are considered: periodic, free surface, rigid interface. An original absorbing layer model to prevent spurious reflection at domain boundaries. present method assessed considering several test cases. First, spatial Gaussian force modulated time by Ricker wavelet used as source. Comparisons made results obtained classical Fourier spectral method. Both P and S waves shown be very accurately predicted. case of Rayleigh surface then addressed check the accuracy

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