作者: Susan S White , Rose A Mueller-Hanson , David W Dorsey , Elaine D Pulakos , Michelle M Wisecarver
摘要: "Adaptive proficiency is critical for operating in the dynamic Special Forces (SF) mission environment and a recent focus on this requirement has resulted in a greater emphasis on adaptability in current training for SF. This report describes the development of a 3 1/2-day course on adaptability specifically tailored to officers in the SF environment. The course, entitled Officer Adaptive Thinking and Leadership Course (0-ATL), introduces students to the meaning of adaptability in the SF environment, covering the myriad of ways in which SF officers are required to adapt. It focuses particularly on the topics of mental adaptability, interpersonal adaptability, and leading an adaptable team and provides the students with an understanding of each topic's relevance to their SF jobs, as well as tools and strategies for better navigating situations that require these types of adaptability. Recommendations for enhancements of the course and further applications of the course are discussed."--Stinet.