摘要: Intelligent Design (ID) is a contemporary attempt to defend the idea that order of nature bears marks its Creator. The movement began in U.S.A. during 1980 s and 1990 s, claims about relationship theology science, critique evolutionary theory have caused much controversy. This study theological philosophical analysis ID’s design argument presuppositions. ID contrasted with naturalistic evolutionism theistic evolutionism, related broader discussion natural theology. attempts provide more balanced nuanced view both strengths weaknesses argumentation than previous discussion. study’s main focus on increasing understanding movement’s argumentation, but some evaluation arguments also included criticisms are developed. quite minimalistic, not aspiring prove existence God, merely an unidentified intelligent designer cosmic biological teleology. It emphasizes scientific argument. Consequently, has focused question whether better understood as part sciences, or philosophical-theological idea. Though this considers question, it emphasis central debate, since good restricted science. So, interesting ask why people believe do designedness cosmos how for each are. definition science side-issue these questions. argues best inference explanation supported by analogy between nature’s teleological capabilities minds. credibility depends only our background beliefs, empirical evidence. Theological priori -considerations sufficient settle debate apart from what world like. Nevertheless, worldviews been defended based data, philosophical, metaphysical considerations. While emphasizing nature, seeks build bridges religion. Rather conflicting other, support when they rightly understood. supports basic premise there can be mutually beneficial dialogue theology, warns against importance such extent metaphysical, doctrine creation value non-scientific forgotten. contrary one divine Darwinian evolution at same time. compatibility thesis surprisingly argued basis arguments, own ideas.