摘要: Neuropsychology has presented a particularly formidable array of devel opments during recent years. The number methods, theoretical ap proaches, and publications been steadily increasing, permitting step-by-step approach to deeper understanding the tremendously complex relationships existing between brain behavior. This volume was planned as collection papers that, in one way or another, present new research clinical perspectives interpretations about brain-behavior relationships. Some chapters specific topics, others summarize evidence for particular oretical position, simply review area suggest research. Consistent with spirit which book planned, authors propose avenues developing neuropsychology organization cognitive activity. Part I is devoted basic technical approaches studying processes. Hanlon Brown ("Microgenesis: Historical Review Current Studies") an over view some experimental work from standpoint mi crogenetic theory. Microgenesis considered be structural opment cognition through qualitatively different stages. discuss growing dissatisfaction both old center pathway theories newer modular componental accounts. They also ex plore how micro genesis can extended interpretation symp toms damage model hierarchic levels process function unfolds."