摘要: Darwin’s orchid book (1862) has been cited as his first detailed example of how to study evolution (Ghiselin, 1969; Gould, 1986). The starts a presentation observations showing that the morphology orchids is, in most cases, wonderfully well suited having insects remove and deposit pollinia. It ends by tracing enormous diversity can be seen arising through modifications from ancestral forms. What Darwin did not do was explain flowers come different. He probably thought origin adaptation he had shown diversity. Mayr often pointed out failed see genetic isolation precondition for speciation, thus diversification (e.g., Mayr, 1959). Likewise, we contend evolutionists have seldom clearly dissected alternatives divergence occurs, given isolation. We shall concern ourselves here with different environments—in our case, pollinator regimes— or provide heterogeneity selection might adaptively drive flowers.