作者: Karla Urias , Maite Vallejo , Manuel Cárdenas , Claudia Lerma , Antonio G Hermosillo
摘要: SummaryD IFFERENCES IN CARDIAC AUTONOMIC MODULATIONBETWEEN WOMEN AND MEN Gender differences in cardiac autonomic modu-lation are a controversial topic several stud-ies. The aim of this study, was to describe andcompare the heart rate variability 30 womenand 20 men, Mexicans, between 21 36 yearsof age. A 24 hours Holter monitoring wasperformed all them. Analysis time(SDNNN and rMSSD), frequency domains(HF, LF LF/HF absolute values nor-malized units) were used. SDNN [ IBM 1] signifi-cantly higher men. When adjusted for age,there negative correlation parasympa-thetic activity indexes (rMSSD HF) wom-en. Physical training increased menand HF women. found women with physical train-ing diminishes These results demon-strate cardiovascular autonomicmodulation men.(Arch Cardiol Mex 2006; 76: 277-282) Introduccionl funcionamiento del corazon esta regu-lado, entre otros factores, por la acciondel sistema nervioso autonomo (SNA),