摘要: Abstract The processing of information is well documented and explained at the peripheral level with separate receptors sending detailed one or two facets a sensory stimulation to central nervous system. This appers be conveyed along channels which are maintained, regard receptor specificity course dorsal column lemniscothalamic-somatosensory cortical pathway; emerges as system high degree spatial resolution but which, because its basically phasic nature, demands that distal limb surface moved in relation object under scrutiny. Indeed this pathway appears develop those specialized parts body used mobile exploratory tool. position spinocervical-lemniscothalamic path less clear. system, cat, highly for rapid transfer from hairy skin hindleg cerebral mantle; monkey, shows specialization man may not present. Its use, behavioural sense, has received attention it warrants. function spinothalamic tactile, noxious mixed components cannot easily placed into simple functional role. question why mantle receives projections relatively fast SI, other slower SII expression delay line useful comparator enable (a) work out sequential changes input discharge pattern perform texture analysis (b) some sort auto- cross-correlation solve problem temporal sequence integumental stimulation. pathways cortex both tonic gain control either by inhibition (reduced gain) excitation (increased naively would seem serve means obtain strongly activated core cells sharp cut off edge core. Both “reticular” systems implicated latter playing much more subtle role than turning on excitation. Much remains discovered about form control. Lastly, review has, unless forced go elsewhere an illustrative example, been concerned solely face visual auditory systems.