Effort Test Failure: Toward a Predictive Model

作者: James W. Webb , Jennifer Batchelor , Susanne Meares , Alan Taylor , Nigel V. Marsh

DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2012.728248


摘要: Predictors of effort test failure were examined in an archival sample 555 traumatically brain-injured (TBI) adults. Logistic regression models used to examine whether compensation-seeking, injury-related, psychological, demographic, and cultural factors predicted (ETF). ETF was significantly associated with compensation-seeking (OR = 3.51, 95% CI [1.25, 9.79]), low education (OR: .83 [. 74, .94]), self-reported mood disorder 5.53 [3.10, 9.85]), exaggerated displays behavior 5.84 [2.15, 15.84]), psychotic illness 12.86 [3.21, 51.44]), being foreign-born 5.10 [2.35, 11.06]), having sustained a workplace accident 4.60 [2.40, 8.81]), mild traumatic brain injury severity compared very severe 0.37 [0.13, 0.995]). broader range statistical predictors than has previously been identified the relative importance psychological behavioral evident logistic model. Variables that might potentially extend model are for future research efforts.

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