作者: Douglas H Brooks , Jayant Menon , None
摘要: Contents:Foreword1. Infrastructure and Trade in Asia: An OverviewDouglas H. Brooks Jayant MenonPART I: CONCEPTS AND MEASUREMENT ISSUES 2. A Framework for Considering Regional CooperationJohn Weiss3. Facilitation: What, Why, How, Where, When?Philippa Dee, Christopher Findlay Richard Pomfret4. Cooperation, Governance, Soft Trading CostsHaider A. Khan5. Empirical Estimates of Costs AsiaPrabir DePART II: IMPLEMENTATION IMPACTS OF REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE 6. Roads Poverty: General Equilibrium Analysis Lao PDRJayant Menon Peter Warr7. Road Economic Integration: Evidence from the MekongChristopher Edmonds Manabu Fujimura8. Meeting MDG Water Target The Role CooperationP.B. Anand9. Financing: Impacts on Macroeconomic BalancesDouglas Fan Zhai