摘要: The friction stir welding process was developed in 1991 by Welding Institute (TWI) for joining aluminum alloys (Thomas 1991) and subsequently the has been used during of titanium, magnesium, zinc copper alloys, steel, thicknesses ranging from 1 to 50 mm (Thomas, Threadgill, Nicholas 1999; Nagasawa et al. 2000; Fukuda 2001; Cederqvist Andrews 2004; Reynolds, Hood, Tang 2005). involves plunging a rotating tool consisting cylindrical shoulder protruding pin traversing across two pieces be joined. Figure 8.1 shows schematic employed producing buttwelded section. It suggested that combination frictional heating, plastic deformation, viscous dissipation produces temperatures zone approach solidus temperature. region alloy seam welds comprises fine, equiaxed grain microstructure. A thermomechanically affected (TMAZ) formed adjacent contains elongated base metal grains partially recrystallized structure as result thermal stress/strain cycle, which is CoNTENTS