摘要: Use of fresh water in the United States is increasing markedly. To add to future supply, work being done develop economically feasible methods converting saline into water. The supplies must be studied determine quantity and quality areas which it available. Water classified herein as if contains more than 1,000 ppm (parts per million) dissolved solids. degree salinity terms solids defined slightly (1,000 3,000 ppm), moderately (3,000 10,000 very (10,000 35,000 brine (more ppm). Parts most aquifers New Mexico contain water, some can yield large quantities wells. con- sidered range from Pennsylvanian Recent age. rocks generally small moderate Yeso formation San Andres Capitan limestones Permian age wells mainly or near Pecos Valley. other amounts evaporites, solution contributes much State. Most Triassic Jurassic are fine grained well cemented poor aquifers. In many they only Rocks Cretaceous crop out in, underlie, about 30 percent Mexico. A relatively thin section them, belonging Dakota sandstone, yields Upper series 5,000 feet thick Tertiary include Nacimiento Juan basin, probably Ogallala on High Plains, southern Lea County. central southwestern Mexico, several thousand Quaternary partly fill intermontane basins. forms largest saline-water reservoirs parts State mantle but valleys River Rio Grande. Saline surface waters important irrigation especially at Puerto de Luna Red Bluff, N. Mex. 1 2 SALINE-WATER RESOURCES OF NEW MEXICO Grande, Canadian, Rivers fresh, receive occasionally intermittent tributaries possibly a few perennial tributaries. Alamogordo Reservoir Lakes McMillan Avalon, all River. Many permanent ephemeral lakes also INTRODUCTION for domestic, industrial, purposes rapidly States. total available supply now utilized, places demand already exceeds supply. Because shortage lack deterrent economic expansion, serious consideration given augmenting fresh-water by PURPOSE AND SCOPE Since 1952 U.S. Department Interior has been investigating processes An integral part Saline-Water Con- version Program acquisition information resources Nation. Such knowledge required two purposes. First, development demineralizing process requires that chemical processed known advance. Second, should an economical conversion developed, location extent containing sufficient suitable processing known. Heretofore, water-resources investigations have dealt with naturally agricultural uses. Although considerable exist States, those not possible sources order implement Conversion Program, recon- naissance reports describing conditions whole individual prepared. This report based reconnaissance occurrence, quantity, It describes where ground available, points little no physical characteristics streams, various 6 SOURCE DATA analyses listed this were made Geological Survey, file Albuquerque, Mex., office. selected presentation give 7jest areal coverage indicate maxi- mum outcrop maps principally geologic map prepared Darton (1928b). For use report, Barton's modified using results recently published unpublished copies preliminary editions forthcoming revision (Dane Bachman, 1957, 1958). data references report. These consulted freely their acknowl- edged, authors' thanks. WELL-NUMBERING SYSTEM system numbering used common subdivisions sectionized land. number, addition designating well, locates its position nearest 10-acre tract land net. number divided periods five segments. first segment denotes quarter respect base line principal meridian. quarters numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, normal reading order, northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast quarters, respectively. second township; third range; fourth section. fifth consists three digits, particular situated. purpose, four north- east, digit gives section, 160 acres. Similarly, 40-acre tracts same manner, tract. Finally, tracts, Thus, southeastern County SW%NE%NW% sec. 24, T. 12 S., R. 36 E. If cannot located accurately within tract, zero digit, zeros both digits. closely omitted. Letters a, b, c, . added last designate second, third, fourth, succeeding following diagram (fig. 1) shows method I S. BASE LINE 32 33 34 35 37 R.38E. 0 PRINCIPAL DIAN tE s? LU uj 5 LJ * / r r. i s. ii T 13 S 7 18 19 31 8 17 20 29 4 9 16 21 28 3 10 15 22 27 11 14 23 26 /, 4^ 24 25 I2S-36E abc Section >^