摘要: This qualitative work analyzes selected major literature on self-esteem from the standpoint of urban youth education. It defines and describes elements self-esteem, links to self-worth, learners' social environmental cues, teacher attitudes, other variables. At-risk carry additional burden internalizing disapproval based behavior associated with race poverty. Stressing importance minorities academic achievement, this suggests specific classroom strategies for building positive in at-risk students. To improve students, teachers must first consider their own because high are more effective teachers. The who is committed enhancing develop a environment that promotes an atmosphere values. Strategies enhance cooperation responsibility also build minority Research supports contention achievement students can be increased significantly if educators focus self-esteem. (Contains 60 references.) (SLD) ******************************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS best made original document. SELF-ESTEEM AND URBAN EDUCATION Vernon G. Smith Assistant Professor, Indiana University Education Division Northwest 3400 Broadway Gary, 46408 (219) 980-7120 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Office Educational Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) XThis document has been reproduced as received person or organization originating d Minor changes have reproduction quality. Points view opinions stated do not necessarily represent official OEM position policy. PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY cen THE BEST COPY AVAILABLE 2