摘要: There are two questions that may be answered through the study of chimpanzee cognitive development: First, ‘what common traits shared by humans and chimpanzees?’ second, uniquely human?’ Comparative studies have demonstrated similarities between chimpanzees, also illuminated fundamental differences. Nonhuman primates climb trees with all four limbs well adapted to arboreal life. primate infants cling actively their mothers; in return, they receive frequent embraces. Mother–infant relationship these primates, especially simians, is clearly characterized this clinging–embracing. However, human mothers often physically separated from each other. Human cannot mothers. The stability supine posture (lying on one’s back ground or other surface) an important but neglected issue related posture. Chimpanzee nonhuman not stable when laid backs. exceptional among respect; can assume a will lie quietly back. gives firm foundation for face-to-face communication, vocal exchange, tool use. This article provides evolutionary scenario sociocognitive development unique humans.