Handbook of transportation science


DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-5203-1


摘要: Preface to the Second Edition. 1. Transport Science R.W. Hall. Human Elements in Transportation. 2. Discrete Choice Methods and Their Application Short Term Travel Decisions M. Ben-Akiva, Bierlaire. 3. Activity-Based Modelling of Demand C.R. Bhat, F.S. Koppelman. 4. Transportation Safety L. Evans. Flows Congestion. 5. Queueing 6. Traffic Flow Capacity M.J. Cassidy. 7. Automated Vehicle Control P. Ioannou, A. Bose 8. Papageorgiou. Spatial Models. 9. Continuous Space Modeling T. Puu, Beckmann. 10. Location Models M.D. Daskin, S.H. Owen. Routing Network 11. Equilibrium Pricing Florian, D. Hearn. 12. Street Scheduling Problems Bodin, et al. 13. Long-haul Freight T.G. Crainic. 14. Crew C. Barnhart, 15. Supply Chains R. Economic 16. Revenue Management G.van Ryzin, K. Talluri. 17. Interaction Rietveld, Nijkamp. 18. Economics Arnott, Kraus. Biographies. Index.
