Nanobioelectronics - for Electronics, Biology, and Medicine


DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-09459-5


摘要: DNA-Based Nanobioelectronics.- DNA-Mediated Assembly of Metal Nanoparticles: Fabrication, Structural Features, and Electrical Properties.- Nanoelectronics.- DNA Detection with Metallic Nanoparticles.- Label-Free, Fully Electronic a Field-Effect Transistor Array.- Protein-Based Nanoelectronic Devices Based on Proteins.- S-Layer Proteins for Assembling Ordered Nanoparticle Arrays.- Electrochemical Biosensing Redox Enzymes.- Ion Channels in Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes Au Electrodes.- Fluorescent Nanocrystals Cell-Based Spontaneous Synchronous Firing Activity Solitary Microcultures Cortical Neurons Chemically Patterned Multielectrode Nanomaterials Neural Interfaces: Emerging New Function Potential Applications.- Interfacing Silicon-Based Devices.- Hybrid Nanoparticles Cellular Applications.
