Fire on the African Savanna: Using LiDAR

作者: Izak PJ Smit , Gregory P Asner , Navashni Govender , Ty Kennedy-Bowdoin , David E Knapp



摘要: Photo 1. A string of experimental burn plots in the Kruger National Park (KNP), illustrating three different fire return intervals and five different fire season treatments, as well as a fire exclusion plot.(The letters and number indicate the season and fire return period, eg, Aug1 is the August annual fire treatment.) Similar layouts to this one were repeated in four of the major KNP landscapes, with four replications of treatments in each landscape. These fire treatment plots were established and maintained since 1954, making it one of the largest and oldest fire experiments in Africa.Photo 2. The same experimental burn plots depicted in Photo 1, now illustrating the woody vegetation height derived from the Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor of the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO). The LiDAR data set allowed researchers to conduct a detailed wall-to-wall analysis of the threedimensional structure of woody …
