作者: J Williams , A Hollander , A O’Geen , A Thrupp , K Steenwerth
摘要: Addressing climate change is a priority issue for Californians and involves individuals, businesses, and government. The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) seeks to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) to 1990 levels by 2020. This legislation goes into effect gradually, so that people will have time to implement the necessary actions to come into compliance by the 2020 deadline. Some businesses, however, are proactive on climate change mitigation, and are signing up through mechanisms such as the Climate Action Registry to become leaders and early adopters of GHG emission-reduction programs. By making progress toward carbon neutrality (where carbon equivalent emissions are balanced by carbon sequestration, such as reforestation projects, and by reduction in other types of GHG emissions) ahead of deadlines, these companies may qualify for incentive programs and be recognized as environmental leaders.Among such leaders are a number of wine companies that are managing their vineyard lands and adjoining forests that maximize biomass on the landscape and balance the emissions generated in their production processes. This paper is a case study about one such company, Fetzer/Bonterra Vineyards, who has set their objectives to reduce their GHG emissions and use renewable sources to meet much of its energy demands. As an environmentally conscious business, and a major grower and producer of wines, Fetzer/Bonterra attempts to achieve a balance between habitat conservation, ecologically based organic production, production goals, and financial profit. When the company purchased …