摘要: According to Metz and Diekman (1986), there are two main approaches to mathematical modeling of species populations in ecology. The first approach is called abundance modeling or population- state (p-state) modeling, in which all individual members of a population are regarded as effectively identical. These are aggregated into a single variable, usually population size or average physiological size. This approach assumes that individuals do not behave differently from one another, have the same physiology and genetic makeup, and are spatially homogeneous. It implicitly assumes that every individual has an identical effect on all other individuals in the population, regardless of their proximity to one another. Models that use this approach include the logistic growth model (Gotelli 1998; Ginzburg et al. 1990 and references therein), Malthusian growth models (Gotelli 1998; Ginzburg et al. 1982 and references …