The path from root input to mineral-associated soil carbon is dictated by habitat-specific microbial traits and soil moisture

作者: Noah W Sokol , Megan M Foley , Steven J Blazewicz , Amrita Bhattacharyya , Nicole DiDonato



摘要: Soil microorganisms help transform plant inputs into mineral-associated soil organic carbon (SOC) – the largest and slowest-cycling pool of organic carbon on land. However, the microbial traits that influence this process are widely debated. While current theory and biogeochemical models have settled on carbon-use efficiency (CUE) and growth rate as positive predictors of mineral-associated SOC, empirical tests are sparse, with contradictory observations. Using 13C-labeling of an annual grass (Avena barbata) under two moisture regimes, we found that microbial traits associated with formation of 13C-mineral-associated SOC varied by soil habitat, as did active microbial taxa and SOC chemical composition. In the rhizosphere, bacterial-dominated communities with fast growth, high biomass, and high extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) production were positively associated with 13C-mineral-associated …
