作者: Richard Hamilton , Collin Gereniu , Henry Kaniki , Jimmy Kereseka
摘要: 1. In Choiseul Province Locally Marine Managed Areas (LMMAs) are highly effective in leading to the recovery of valuable marine resources. Underwater surveys showed that in the Paspasbarego and Parama LMMAs the number of the commercially valuable trochus that were present prior to harvests were four to six times higher than at nearby control reefs that are permanently open to fishing. In the Paspasbarego LMMA giant clams were also surveyed and their abundances were six times higher than on control reefs.2. To date periodic harvests within LMMAs have been of short duration and have occurred very infrequently. For example, the Paspasbarego LMMA was established in 2006 and over the past nine years has only been opened on three occasions for one day harvests. The Parama LMMA was also established in 2006 and the first periodic harvest of this LMMA was a one day harvest in May 2015.