作者: Shiqin Xu , Tim R McVicar , Lingcheng Li , Zhongbo Yu , Peng Jiang
摘要: Hysteresis between sub-diurnal actual evaporation (AET) (or one of its components, transpiration) and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) at the species or individual ecosystem level has been extensively studied, but the global variation and seasonal variability of this hysteresis across biomes and climates is yet to be fully explored and the limiting mechanisms remain unclear. We hypothesize that the sub-diurnal AET-VPD hysteresis results from the interplay between evaporative demand and soil moisture supply limitations. To test our hypothesis, we quantify the sub-diurnal AET-VPD hysteresis across a broad range of biomes and climates based on the observations from the 89 FLUXNET sites (703 site-years) across the globe. We find that the magnitude of hysteresis varies with biomes and climates and is mostly attributable to evaporative demand limitation in all ten sampled biomes. In seasonally dry locations, however …