Botanic 9● Gardens and Conservation Impact




摘要: The loss of biodiversity is one of the major challenges faced by the world today. However, as we have seen in previous chapters, the importance of plant diversity and therefore the rationale for its conservation, have not been globally appreciated. Botanic gardens play a range of important roles in support of biodiversity conservation; but the scale of the plant conservation challenge is daunting, and the resources available for plant conservation are limited. There is, therefore, a very clear imperative for botanic gardens to make best use of limited resources for plant conservation and to highlight successful approaches and outcomes in order to justify their allocation of resources to conserving plant diversity. To increase the impact of botanic gardens and enhance their credibility as conservation organisations able to secure scarce resources, it is important to consider their general strengths and constraints, to identify ways to measure and evaluate their conservation actions and outcomes, and to reflect on how botanic gardens’ conservation actions can be scaled up to meet global challenges.
