作者: M Saminathan , A Gopalakrishnan , A Latchumikanthan , AAP Milton , M Aravind
摘要: Haemonchus contortus is a most prevalent, highly pathogenic and economically important nematode of small ruminants. A 10 months old non-descript, female sheep was presented with the history of anorexia, weight loss and voiding dark colour diarrheic faeces. On clinical examination revealed severe emaciation, lateral recumbent position, and pale and anaemic mucous membranes. Post mortem examination revealed pale, hide bound carcass and gelatinization of subcutaneous fat. Internal organs were pale, hydrothorax and ascites were noticed. Liver was swollen, hard and multiple different sized calcified nodules were found. Multiple tiny cysts were present in spleen. Abomasal mucosa showed severe congestion, pin point petechial haemorrhages, watery bloody contents with numerous minute hair like H. contortus worms. Small intestinal mucosa was congested and petechial to ecchymotic haemorrhages were noticed. Caecal mucosa was congested; pin-point haemorrhages and few whipworms were found. Histopathological examination revealed haemorrhages, edema, desquamation and eosinophilic infiltration in the abomasal villi. Spleen showed hemosiderosis and encapsulated cyst with homogenous eosinophilic material lined by thick fibrous wall. Liver showed bile duct hyperplasia, degeneration of hepatocyte and mononuclear cell infiltration. Glomerulus showed eosinophilic protenacious edematous fluid and atrophy of the glomeruli. Parasitological examination revealed numerous H. contortus eggs (+++) and adult female was identified by presence of vulval flap and adult male by presence of spicules,‘Y’shaped dorsal rays and …