1 Mineralization of free and cell-wall-bound isoproturon in soils in

作者: S Lehr , I Scheunert , F Beese , RW Pickup , Katie L Thomas



摘要: CONTENTS Volume 28 Number 1 1 Mineralization of free and cell-wall-bound isoproturon in soils in relation to soil microbial parameters CH4 production in blanket bog peat: a procedure for sampling, sectioning and incubating samples whilst maintaining anaerobic conditions 17 Role of wetland plants in the diurnal control of CHQ and COZ fluxes in peat 25 The fumigation-extraction method to estimate soil microbial biomass: calibration of the kEC value 33 The fumigation-extraction method to estimate soil microbial biomass: calibration of the kEN value 39 Litter as a regulator of N and C dynamics in macrophytic patches in Negev desert soils 47 Potential rates of ammonium oxidation, nitrite oxidation, nitrate reduction and denitrification in the young barley rhizosphere S. Lehr, I. Schaunert and F. Beese GH Hall, BM Simon and RW Pickup Katie L. Thomas, Julie Benstead, Kevin L. Davies and David Lloyd Rainer …
