11. Creating a culture of evidence use

作者: Winifred F Frick , Winifred F Frick , Steven J Cooke , Iain Dickson , Hazel A Jackson



摘要: Evidence is a prerequisite for effective conservation decisions, yet its use is not ubiquitous. This can lead to wasted resources and inadequate conservation decisions. Creating a culture of evidence use within the conservation and environmental management communities is key to transforming conservation. At present, there are a range of ways in which organisations can change so that evidence use becomes routinely adopted as part of institutional processes. Auditing existing use is a useful first stage followed by creating an evidence-use plan. A wide range of possible actions should encourage evidence use and ensure the availability of resources needed. Seven case studies show how very different organisations, from funders to businesses to conservation organisations, have reworked their processes so that evidence has become fundamental to their effective practice.Four boxes represent the four sections of the book. Horizontal box (Section: Recognise the problem) is greyed out. This box sits above three vertical boxes side by side. Arrow points from right of horizontal box to greyed-out right vertical box (Section: Collate and assess evidence) and from left of horizontal box to left vertical box (Section: Create demand for evidence use) that contains a smaller box (Chapter: Create evidence-use culture (11)) which is highlighted to indicate current chapter. Arrow from left and right vertical boxes point to central greyed out vertical box (Section: Deliver change)
