Food Allergy But Not Sensitised Tolerance Associates with Subsequent Asthma

作者: Lawrence Gray , O Leong , Martin O'Hely , F Collier , S Ranganathan



摘要: Method: Plasma samples were collected from children (n= 62) enrolled in the Probiotic and Peanut Oral Immunotherapy (PPOIT) randomised placebo-controlled trial at baseline, immediately after completing 18 months of treatment, 3 months post-treatment and 4 years post-treatment. Peanut component (Arah 1, 2, 3) sIgE and sIgG4 were measured by ImmunoCAP. Two-tailed t-tests on log-transformed values were used for point-in-time between-group comparisons and generalised estimating equations (GEE) were used to compare longitudinal trends.Results: PPOIT was associated with changes in Arah 1, 2, 3 sIgE and sIG4 over time. sIgE decreased with treatment (age-and sex-adjusted GEE; Arah 1 P= 0.003, Arah 2 P< 0.001, Arah3 P= 0.040) and remained reduced 4 years post-treatment. At 4 years post-treatment, sIgE levels were significantly lower in PPOIT-treated subjects as compared to controls (Arah1 P= 0.017, Arah2 P= 0.008, Arah3 P= 0.042). sIgG4 increased by end-of-treatment (PPOIT vs Placebo; Arah1 P= 0.022, Arah2 P< 0.001, Arah3 P≤ 0.001) but decreased thereafter returning towards baseline by 4 years post-treatment (PPOIT vs Placebo; Arah1 P= 0.549, Arah2 P= 0.034, Arah3 P= 0.234). At 4 years post-treatment, 8-week challenge-proven SU was associated with significantly lower sIgE levels compared with no SU (Arah1 P< 0.001, Arah2 P< 0.001, Arah3 P= 0.004); in contrast, peanut component sIgG4 levels were similar between SU and no SU participants (Arah1 p= 0.015, Arah2 P= 0.832, Arah3 P= 0.870).Conclusion: PPOIT induces changes in sIgE and sIgG4 antibody responses to peanut components which may …
