Ensemble Skill Gains Obtained From the Multi‐Physics Versus Multi‐Model Approaches for Continental‐Scale Hydrological Simulations

作者: Wenli Fei , Hui Zheng , Zhongfeng Xu , Wen‐Ying Wu , Peirong Lin



摘要: Multi‐physics ensembles have emerged as a promising approach to hydrological simulations. As multi‐physics ensembles are constructed by perturbing the model physics, the ensemble members share a substantial portion of the same physics and hence are not independent of each other. It is unknown whether and to what extent this nonindependence affects the skill gain of the ensemble method, especially compared with the multi‐model ensemble approach. This study compares a multi‐physics ensemble configured from the Noah land surface model with multi‐parameterization options (Noah‐MP) with the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) multi‐model ensemble. The two ensembles are evaluated in terms of the annual cycle and interannual anomaly at 12 River Forecast Centers over the conterminous United States. The ensemble skill gain is measured by the difference between the …
