作者: Albert Cohen , Xipeng Shen , Josep Torrellas , James Tuck , Yuanyuan Zhou
摘要: The broad landscape of new technologies currently being explored makes the current times very exciting for computer systems research. The community is actively researching an extensive set of topics, ranging from the small (eg, energy-independent embedded devices) to the large (eg, brain-scale deep learning), simultaneously addressing technology discontinuities (End of Moore’s Law and Energy Wall), new challenges in security and privacy, and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI).While industry is applying some of these technologies, its efforts are necessarily focused on only a few areas, and on relatively short-term horizons. This offers academic researchers the opportunity to attack the problems with a broader and longer-term view. Further, in recent times, the computer systems community has started to pay increasing attention to non-performance measures, such as security, complexity, and power. To make progress in this multi-objective world, the composition of research teams needs to change. Teams have to become inter-disciplinary, enabling the flow of ideas across computing fields. 1