作者: J Haartsen , T Spelman , J Baker , S Agland , J Lechner-Scott
摘要: Introduction: MSFIRST, a sub-study of the MSBase registry, is an Australian multi-centre study to implement a user-friendly safety module to track incidence and characteristics of safety outcomes in MS patients. The comparative long term safety profile of disease-modifying drugs (DMD) in MS treatment is unknown and incidence and trends over time in serious adverse events (SAEs) are less well reported in real world practice.Objective: MSFIRST is a prospective, longitudinal study, enrolling since 1 January 2012. The primary objective of this study is to track and compare the incidence of safety outcomes in MS patients who either receive DMD or no treatment.Methods: Rates of SAE’s by treatment group including fingolimod (FTY), natalizumab (NAT) and combined group of interferon and glatiramer acetate (IFN/GA) were calculated as no. of eventsper 100 person-years of follow-up. The relative risk of SAE by treatment group was estimated using a longitudinal Poisson regression model offset by DMD exposure time and adjusted for age, sex and disease duration.Results: At 6 April 2016 there were 3115 patients enrolled contributing 4590.8 person-years of follow-up at a mean (SD) of 17.4 months (14.2) per patient. 1303 adverse events have been observed. A total of 79 immunosuppression related or severe infection events, 75 herpes zoster, 56 non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and 53 malignancy events observed at an incidence rate of 0.27, 0.33, 0.31 and 0.44 events per 100 person-years respectively. Natalizumab (NAT) was associated with 3.14 times the risk of infections (aRR 3.14; 95% CI 1.04, 9.46) relative to IFN/GA, whilst there was no …