Author Correction: Comparative and demographic analysis of orang-utan genomes

作者: Devin P Locke , LaDeana W Hillier , Wesley C Warren , Kim C Worley , Lynne V Nazareth



摘要: In this Article, we reported genome sequencing data from five Sumatran and five Bornean orang-utans. In re-analysing these data, Banes et al. 1 found that eight of the ten samples were mislabelled, and we wish to correct the original publication according to their findings. In addition, Banes et al. 1 find that one of the orang-utans that we had labelled as a male Sumatran is in fact a female Tapanuli orang-utan (an orang-utan species that was unknown at the time of publication of our original Article and that was first reported in 2017 (ref. 2)). While we here correct the original tables to display the correct names and IDs of the individuals studied, we do not correct the analyses in the original paper since the Tapanuli species was discovered only after we had concluded our study. We refer the reader to Banes et al. 1 for further information. In the main text, the sentence “We also sequenced the genomes of 10 additional …
