摘要: One of the key attractions of microalgae is the high lipid content of some species and the lipid and fatty acid composition and metabolism is covered in Chap. 2 by Guschina and Harwood, and the production and properties of biodiesel from these algal oils is considered in detail by Knothe in Chap. 12, while Chap. 3 by Peters et al. considers hydrogenases, nitroginases and H 2 production by water-oxidizing phototrophs (ie algae and cyanobacteria). The first step in developing an algae bioenergy process is species and strain selection and this topic is considered in detail in Chap. 4. Chapter 5 by Beardall and Raven focuses on light and inorganic carbon supply as key limiting factors to growth in dense cultures and Chap. 6 by Rasala et al. looks at how genetic engineering may be used to improve and modify algae strains. The systems for production of microalgae biomass are reviewed in Chaps. 7 (photobioreactors …