作者: A Acosta , Carlo Blasi , S Esposito , Angela Stanisci
摘要: Caaftal uegetation vfsand niuna stems (Miadle and Southem Latium).-The coastal sammophylous vegetation of middle and southern Lanum lS ana ysed usin th_e phytospciological method. _Seven _ _ poInts of vlew: Sabalo kalz-Cakzletum marmmae, Ec/Jina boro zletum australir, Loto tytisoidzs-Crucianellerum marìtimae, ileno described accotding to syntaxonomical and sinecologi spinarae-El mgqrum junceae, Echinophara ipinosae-AmmoP/J p ant communities are colorarae-rwnzdezum variegarae, A: drago acutgolii-funzpererum macracarpae, Vzburno rini-Querretum iliczlr. Ftagments of the Papuleralia and of the Halasc oeneralia rder comunities wete also found. Resulrs show the presence of most impottanr phytocenosis of the psammophylous seties along the middle and southetn Latiurn coastline.