作者: Chloé Fandel , François Miville , Ty Ferré , Nico Goldscheider , Philippe Renard
摘要: Anisotropic fast-marching algorithms are computationally efficient tools for generating realistic maps of karst conduit networks, constrained by both the spatial extent and the orientation of karstifiable geologic units. Existing models to generate conduit network maps are limited either by high computational requirements (for chemistry-based models) or by their inability to incorporate the effects of elevation and orientation gradients (for isotropic fast-marching models). The new anisotropic fast-marching approach described here provides a significant improvement, though it imitates rather than reproduces actual speleogenetic processes. It can rapidly generate a stochastic ensemble of plausible networks from basic geologic information, which can also be used as input to karst-appropriate flow models. This paper introduces an open-source, easy-to-use implementation through the Python package pyKasso, then …