作者: Mingliang Zhang , Xing Xie , Shan X Wang , Craig S Criddle
摘要: BACKGROUND0004. Access to safe drinking water is extremely impor tant to human beings health. Currently, water facilities have been built worldwide to provide people in metropolitan areas with high-standard clean water. However, problems still remain in several aspects. First, the drinking water plants are not available in all corners of the world as these plants are usually built in cities with large populations. However, for travelers in natural areas far from civilization or people in countries where sanitation facilities are not so well-devel oped, a point-of-use water-treating equipment is necessary to provide high-standard drinking water. Second, in the current water-treating technology, chlorine disinfection for instance, undesirable disinfection byproducts have been reported, Some of which are carcinogens. Finally, as demand for water resources increases ever more, reuse of waste water after removing …