Automated design of assemblable, modular, synthetic chromosomes

作者: Sarah M Richardson , Brian S Olson , Jessica S Dymond , Randal Burns , Srinivasan Chandrasegaran



摘要: The goal of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae v2.0 project is the complete synthesis of a re-designed genome for baker’s yeast. The resulting organism will permit systematic studies of eukaryotic chromosome structure that have been impossible to explore with traditional gene-at-a-time experiments. The efficiency of chemical synthesis of DNA does not yet permit direct synthesis of an entire chromosome, although it is now feasible to synthesize multi-kilobase pieces of DNA that can be combined into larger molecules. Designing a chromosome-sized sequence that can be assembled from smaller pieces has to date been accomplished by biological experts in a laborious and error-prone fashion. Here we pose DNA design as an optimization problem and obtain optimal solutions with a parallelizable dynamic programming algorithm.
