作者: Osama K Abou-Zied , Najla Al-Lawatia , Marcus Elstner , Thomas B Steinbrecher
摘要: Human serum albumin (HSA) is the most abundant protein in blood plasma. It has high relevance for the lipid metabolism, and its ability to bind a large variety of natural and pharmaceutical compounds makes it a crucial determinant of drug pharmaco-kinetics and -dynamics. The drug binding properties of HSA can be characterized by spectroscopic analysis of bound probe molecules. We have recently characterized the subdomain IIA binding site of HSA using three hydroxyquinoline derivatives. In this work, we extend our study by combining data from energy transfer experiments, ligand docking, and long molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Multiple possible binding locations are found within the subdomain IIA site, and their solvent accessibility and interactions with ligands are analyzed in detail. Binding pockets appear well hydrated during simulations, with ligands in direct contact to water molecules at all …