作者: Thomas Wunderer , Frank Lipski , Joachim Hertkorn , Peter Brückner , Ferdinand Scholz
摘要: Abstract Bluish‐green semipolar GaInN/GaN light emitting diodes were realized on the 1 ̄1 01 side facets of selectively grown GaN stripes with an on‐wafer optical output power of 240 mW@ 20mA for about 500 nm emission wavelength. Structural investigations using TEM, SEM, HRXRD and AFM could be related to the luminescence properties in PL and CL. The defect‐related luminescence peaks at 3.3 eV and 3.41 eV, typically observed in non‐and semipolar GaN, could be eliminated in our facet LEDs by optimized growth conditions. Furthermore, a 50% higher indium incorporation for these 1 ̄1 01 facets compared to c‐plane growth is found, what helps significantly to achieve longer wavelength emission in spite of the reduced Quantum Confined Stark Effect.(© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)