作者: P Hess , JB Lansman , Bernd Nilius , RW Tsien
摘要: We used the patch clamp technique to record unitary calcium (Ca: 2+) channel activity in freshly dissociated ventricular myocytes from adult guinea pigs. We found two types of Ca2+ channels with distinct permeation and gating properties and different sensitivity to pharmacological agents. One channel (T-type) requires negative membrane potentials to remove inactivation. It gives rise to a transient mean current and is not affected by dihydropyridines or isoproterenol. The other Ca: 2+ channel (L-type) has a larger unitary barium-conductance, activates at more positive potentials and its averaged current decays much more slowly. It shows a distinct gating pattern with different gating modes, the proportion of which is drastically altered by dihydropyridine Ca2+-channel agonists and antagonists. L-type channel activity is modulated by [beta]-adrenergic stimulation by a mechanism of action which differs from that of …