Genetic and phenotypic parameters for pelt quality and body length and weight traits in American mink

作者: Shafagh Valipour , Karim Karimi , David Barrett , Duy Ngoc Do , Guoyu Hu



摘要: Simple Summary The present study estimated the heritability, phenotypic and genetic correlations for different pelt quality measures, body weight and length traits in mink. Body weight and length measured on live animals in November of the first year of life were reliable indicators of dried pelt size, without negative impacts on pelt quality traits. In addition, body length in November and harvest had moderate positive genetic correlations with dried pelt quality, which made this trait an appealing trait to select for increased pelt size. The estimated genetic parameters for these traits can be used to improve fur characteristics in Canadian mink populations. Abstract Understanding the genetics of fur characteristics and skin size is important for developing effective breeding programs in the mink industry. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to estimate the genetic and phenotypic parameters for pelt quality traits including live grading overall quality (LQU), live grading nap size (LNAP), dried pelt size (DPS), dried pelt nap size (DNAP) and overall quality of dried pelt (DQU), and body length and weight traits, including November body weight (Nov_BW), November body length (Nov_BL), harvest weight (HW) and harvest length (HL) in American mink. Dried pelt quality traits on 1195 mink and pelt quality traits on live animals on 1680 were collected from mink raised at two farms, in Nova Scotia and Ontario. A series of univariate analyses were implemented in ASReml 4.1 software to identify the significance (p < 0.05) of random effects (maternal genetic effects, and common litter effects) and fixed effects (farm, sex, color …
